How to delete force close on mac
How to delete force close on mac

how to delete force close on mac

This will terminate Google Chrome browser instantly.However, many users have reported the problem of being unable to Quit Apps on Mac by right-clicking and also being unable to Force Quit Apps using Command-Option-Escape Shortcut. Go ahead and type in the following command in Terminal: kill 9635 Note that the PID number for Google Chrome is 9635.

how to delete force close on mac

The full command would look like this: ps -ax | grep Īnd in our case, it will be something like this: ps -ax | grep ChromeĪnd it should output the following in Terminal: Now, let’s say we want to force quit Google Chrome, we can make use of the grep command in conjunction with our ps -ax to get exactly the information about the process we want. Upon typing in ps -ax, you may get a long list of output of running processes that look something like the screenshot below:

  • Type the following command in Terminal: kill.
  • To kill (force quit) a specific application, look for its name and note down the PID number.
  • This will give you a list of all running process on your Mac along with other details like its respective PID number, elapsed running time, process name and process location.
  • Launch Spotlight Search with Command + Spacebar and search for Terminal.
  • Choose the application you want to quit in the “Force Quick Application” dialogue box.Īlternatively, you can quit an application using shell command via Terminal.
  • Press and hold the following keys: Command + Option + Esc.
  • If your application is not responding, do the following: If you don’t want to wait it out, here are two ways how you can force quit an application that’s not responding. If your application is not responding or you encounter the Spinning Beach Ball of Death, chances are your application has crashed. Once in a while, the application you are working on may freeze (or hang).

    How to delete force close on mac